In 2014, Young Henrys embarked on an exciting journey, expanding their horizons beyond brewing into the realm of spirits. Collaborating with an eighth-generation moonshiner from Tennessee, they crafted a still to experiment with distillation. This union of distillation and brewing techniques, including the use of hops, gave birth to the Young Henrys Noble Cut Gin.
The spirit of innovation continued in 2016 when Young Henrys had the privilege of creating a one-off 100% wheat vodka for the renowned Danish restaurant, Noma, during its 10-week residency in Sydney.
Throughout the years, Young Henrys has ventured into various spirited endeavors. They released limited editions of white rye spirit, a unique native green ant gin, and collaborated with winemaker Alex Retief on a distinctive vermouth. Additionally, they crafted a moonshine with musician Nathaniel Rateliff, adding even more creativity to their portfolio.
In 2021, Young Henrys decided to take their Noble Cut Gin to new heights by introducing it in cans, accompanied by their signature tonic water. The result was their ready-to-drink Young Henrys G&T, which quickly gained popularity, becoming a favorite at gigs and festivals across the country. Their innovation and commitment to excellence were recognized when they received the ‘RTD of the Year’ award at the prestigious 2023 London Spirits Competition.