At Black Cat Distillery, gin takes center stage as the ultimate passion and focus. The team behind this artisanal venture consists of a skilled viticulturist and a seasoned distiller, blending technical expertise and industry knowledge to create classic, handcrafted, small batch gins that evoke true enjoyment.
Originating from the wine industry, they have honed their understanding of raw ingredients and the intricate distillation process. With the luxury of time and space, the natural progression led them to venture into crafting their own rendition of the beloved spirit – gin.
Driven by a commitment to sustainability, they ingeniously repurpose some waste from the wine industry to produce pure grape spirit. This thoughtful approach not only adds value but also contributes to a sense of purpose, yielding deliciously unique gin blends infused with their favorite herbs, spices, and fruits.
At Black Cat Distillery, their journey is an amalgamation of personal and professional dedication, resulting in exceptional gin creations that capture the essence of their craft from seed to sip.