At Saint Felix Distillery, the focus is on crafting fruit-based spirits that encompass brandy, aperitivo, and innovative contemporary forms. As pioneers in their field, they proudly claim the title of Australia’s first distillery to create mastic gin.
The distillery’s inspiration comes from the diverse regions of the world, from the alpine landscapes of Japan to the forests of northern Greece. They constantly seek out ingredients that challenge the traditional distilling process, resulting in underrated and undiscovered flavor explorations. Their story revolves around sharing these unique creations with those who appreciate exceptional spirits, catering to both newcomers and seasoned connoisseurs.
Saint Felix Distillery is a hub of experimentation, pushing the boundaries with fruits, spices, and herbs sourced from far-flung corners of the globe. They explore untouched terrain, conducting extensive research to find the best ways to highlight each ingredient’s qualities while honoring their origins.
If you’re an enthusiast of exceptional spirits and bold flavor profiles, Saint Felix Distillery promises an exciting and adventurous journey through the world of fruit-based distillations.