Established in 2015 by four friends united by their passion for crafting exceptional spirits, Animus Distillery’s journey began in a Fitzroy North garage. Outgrowing the space, they found a home in Kyneton, Central Victoria, where they pursue their production philosophy: capturing the soul of the freshest ingredients for their gin.
Using the highest-grade Australian grain spirit, triple-filtered with a custom carbon system, they create a pure base for their botanicals. Growing many botanicals on their property and utilizing a vapour pressed distillation approach, they produce small-batch gins that balance Australian native and international ingredients.
With sustainability at its core, Animus Distillery reutilizes extracted botanicals as fertilizer and embraces energy efficiency. Their gins are released over-proofed at 50% alcohol, highlighting the richness and intensity of their botanicals, and reflecting their commitment to excellence and innovation.