Bakery Hill Distillery, a family-owned and operated establishment, has earned a distinguished reputation for crafting world-renowned single malt whiskies for over two decades. Founded by former chemistry teacher David Baker, who aimed to challenge the notion that exceptional whiskies could only be made in Scotland due to its ‘special air and water,’ Bakery Hill set out to prove otherwise in Melbourne, Australia.
Throughout the years, Bakery Hill Distillery has garnered widespread acclaim and recognition, both locally and globally. Notably, they were awarded Southern Hemisphere Whisky of the Year in 2020 and Best Small Distillery Whisky of the Year in 2005 by Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible.
Beyond producing and selling their exceptional whisky products, the Bakery Hill team is dedicated to educating Victorians and whisky enthusiasts worldwide about the art of real whisky production and the various ways to enjoy this timeless spirit. Their passion for sharing knowledge and promoting whisky culture is evident in their approach to whisky-making and hospitality.