Logan’s Micro Distillery is embarking on an exciting journey, having acquired a picturesque small acreage property on the Tambo River in Swan Reach, VIC. Their ambitious plans include establishing a Distillery in East Gippsland and creating their own on-site Hobby Farm. The farm will be home to Lambs, Calves, Chicks, Guinea Fowl, and Bees, fostering a sustainable and diverse environment.
On the Distillery side, they are creating an extensive on-site orchard and botanicals garden, boasting a variety of produce such as Mulberries, Lilly Pillies, Sloe Berries, Cherries, Figs, Lemons, and more. A dedicated Juniper plantation is also on the horizon, ensuring a locally-sourced bounty for their spirits. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and they are eagerly anticipating sharing this remarkable journey with everyone. The goal is to have their Distillery Shed operational by March 2024, bringing their passion for craft spirits to life.