Bec and Doug, known as the dynamic duo of Narrow Tracks Distilling, embarked on their joint journey back in 2006. Leaving their home in Tamworth, they loaded their gear onto a ute and set off to explore Australia. After driving more than 20,000km, they finally arrived in Cairns and instantly fell in love with the tropical paradise. Doug managed to secure a job as an Aircraft Engineer, allowing them to establish Cairns as their new home. Using this city as their base, they embarked on countless adventures around the world, constantly exploring new places.
During their travels, Bec and Doug took pleasure in walking the streets and sampling the local products, particularly enjoying the unique flavors and specialties native to each area. Upon returning to Cairns, they realized the potential in utilizing the locally farmed sugar cane and the abundance of tropical fruits. This inspired them to make their mark on the distilling industry by creating a range of beverages that both travelers and locals could savor.
At present, Narrow Tracks Distilling offers three varieties of gin and two moonshine options for purchase. However, their creative endeavors do not stop there, as they are currently hard at work developing their next product range (although the details remain top secret for now).
All of their products are crafted with care using their magnificent column still and a plethora of locally grown and harvested ingredients. The end result is a drinking experience that encapsulates the essence of Far North Queensland.