Natural Distilling Co was born in 2015 when founder Rhys Staley embarked on a journey to create exceptional spirits. With a deep interest in whiskey and the knowledge gained from his Science Degree at Deakin University, Rhys began experimenting with his Grandfather’s old dairy vat. Passionate about crafting a unique gin recipe, he dedicated six months to researching, learning, and refining his distillation processes through distillery tours and extensive Googling.
To set up a high-quality gin distillery, Rhys had to overcome financial constraints, but his determination led him to repurpose the 55-year-old dairy vat from the family farm. Resourceful and innovative, he even discovered a 400-litre copper hot water service hidden behind a dairy wall, which he skillfully adapted for his DIY gin distilling.
From these humble beginnings, Natural Distilling Co has grown into a spirited endeavor, driven by Rhys’s dedication to creating exceptional gins that capture the essence of his craft and passion.