In the picturesque region of Orange, Parrot Distilling Co. takes flight with its hand-crafted gins, paying homage to the classic art of distilling. Led by a team of younger, new-world enthusiasts, the distillery is driven by a passion to create unique and refreshing gin recipes, delivering an unparalleled gin experience to its customers.
The Master Distiller, with a wisp of juniper in his beak and a wink in his eye, skillfully blends knowledge, technique, and instinct, utilizing old-world secrets to craft distinctive and premium gins. With a commitment to using only the finest and freshest ingredients, Parrot Distilling Co. brings forth a range of gins that embody the essence of the region.
As the gin-enthusiasts at Parrot Distilling Co. invite connoisseurs and newcomers alike to let their senses take flight, they embark on a journey to redefine the art of gin-making, showcasing the true potential that fresh ingredients and expert craftsmanship can achieve.