Poor Toms, located in Sydney, is the result of a serendipitous meeting between Jesse and Griff on their first day of high school. In 2013, as young twenty-somethings, they became housemates in Newtown.
Jesse, a banker, and Griff, an actor, felt unfulfilled with their career paths. They shared a common passion for gin and dreamed of building a community around this beloved spirit. At that time, Sydney had no distilleries, and craft gin was not yet a trend. They saw an opportunity to change the spirit scene and decided to take a bold leap of faith.
Pooling their life savings, Jesse and Griff invested in a still, determined to become pioneers in the new wave of Australian distilling. Thus, Poor Toms was born, with a clear mission to bring genuine pleasure to people’s lives through audacious and honest spirits, with a special emphasis on gin.
Since its inception, Poor Toms has been instrumental in the growth of the craft gin movement, inspiring and delighting spirits enthusiasts throughout Australia. Their dedication to crafting exceptional and authentic spirits reflects their passion for sharing the joy of gin with the world.