In 2015, two friends from Adelaide embarked on a daring venture: starting a gin distillery. One with a background in the food & beverage industry, the other a talented graphic designer with a flair for creating brands. From modest beginnings in a backyard garage, the Prohibition brand quickly gained traction and became an Adelaide icon.
In 2017, Prohibition opened its city Distillery, boasting a stunning 900L Copper Pot Still named ‘Mary.’ The success continued, leading to the expansion of the venue with Bootleg Coffee Co and Next Door cocktail bar. Their commitment to crafting ultra-premium gins extends beyond Gilbert Street, reaching bottle shops and venues across Australia and beyond.
Guided by Head Distiller Hugh Lumsden, Prohibition meticulously sources the finest botanicals to create a distinctive range of hand-crafted gins. Combining traditional ingredients from around the world with native Australian botanicals, their globally awarded spirits boast exotic and unique flavor profiles that are truly world-class. From San Francisco to Singapore, Prohibition’s spirits have earned recognition and praise, solidifying their reputation as a premier distillery.