Justin Turner, the mastermind behind Turner Stillhouse, hails from America but has set up shop in Tasmania. He’s hitched to a local Tasmanian, part of a family that’s been farming the land for generations. Since tying the knot, he’s gotten totally hooked on the island’s booze and grub scene. Growing up in Northern California, Justin’s no stranger to the spirit-making business—his own family ran a winery that dabbled in brandy and other spirited concoctions. This stuff runs in his veins. After spending a chunk of his career—over ten years—in the Big Apple crunching numbers as a finance hotshot, Justin decided it was time to circle back to his family’s distilling craft. So he upped stakes and set out to create Turner Stillhouse, a place where he could churn out top-notch spirits, batch after batch. At Turner Stillhouse, he’s all about mixing up creative recipes and sprinkling in a dash of his American roots. But don’t think he’s throwing tradition out the window. Nope, he’s blending his fresh approach with the classic, sophisticated art of Tasmanian distilling.